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The Dasa project is a large, high-grade uranium deposit that lies within the Adrar Emoles III licence area, 105km south of the established uranium mining town of Arlit, in the Republic of Niger.
Q2 2024
Dasa Uranium Project – Mine Development
Ramp development has been underway since the Opening Blast Ceremony, November 5th, 2022, with over 1,235 meters completed as of the date hereof; and 7,000 tonnes of development ore now hauled to surface. Mine development is continuing with level development in the footwall and decline development.
Raise Boring is now underway for the Fresh Air Raise and Return Air Raise which will act as the main components of the mine’s ventilation infrastructure.
As of the date hereof, the Dasa Mine, operated by SOMIDA and overseen by Global Atomic Corporation, has achieved 732 days without a Lost Time Injury (“LTI”), a testament to management’s dedication to create a safe work environment and the team’s success in implementing effective safety measures.
Dasa Uranium Project – Plant Construction
The Company began extensive earthworks in Q2 2024 to prepare the site for construction of the Dasa processing plant as well as expansion of the Dajy Camp to house employees and construction crews.
A 250-person housing facility has arrived on site. Civil works are underway for cement pads, water and sanitary facilities.
The Dasa Project Acid Plant fabrication has been completed and the plant is now being shipped to site. This will be the first major construction that will get underway once the shipment arrives at Dasa.
Our EPCM contractors have made significant progress to complete final engineering and order long lead items.
The procurement team is working to advance product specifications and select vendors for plant parts and equipment.
Q1 2024
The Company published the results of its Dasa Uranium Project 2024 Feasibility Study ("FS") and filed the report on SEDAR and the Company's website:
Ramp development completed over 950 meters of mine development, continuing down dip in the footwall orebody.
The Dasa Mine achieved 595 days without a Lost Time Injury ("LTI"), a testament to management's dedication to create a safe work environment and the team's success in implementing effective safety measures.
Q4 2023
The Company released the results of its Dasa Uranium Project 2024 Feasibility Study (“FS”) as an update to its 2021 Phase 1 Feasibility Study which confirmed an extension of the Mine Plan from 12 years to 23.75 years (2026-2049), a 50% increase in Mineral Reserves to 73 million pounds U
and an increase in total production by 55% to 68.1 million pounds U
. Using an average uranium price of $75/lb U
, the FS shows an NPV
of US$917 million, an IRR of 57% and a payback period of 2.2 years.
The Company received Letter of Intent for the procurement of uranium from the Company’s Dasa Project, representing the supply of up to 3.5 million pounds U
within a multi-year delivery window beginning in 2026.
Off-take agreements now total 1.4 million pounds U
per year for the first five years of mining, providing the Company with the ability to repay project construction loans while maintaining leverage to a firming U
Q3 2023
As of the end of July 2023, ramp development completed over 600 meters to reach the top of the ore body.
The Niger military initiated a change in government on July 26, 2023.
The U.S. Government has subsequently expressed continued support for Dasa’s project financing and both U.S. and Canadian export credit agencies are continuing to proceed.
Although the initial reaction to the change in government included the closure of surrounding borders and Niger air space, the air space has re-opened with international flights resuming operations and all land borders have been re-opened except for Benin and Nigeria.
The Company has successfully initiated an alternate route to deliver supplies from the port of Lomé in Togo and overland through Burkina Faso.
Q2 2023
On May 8, 2023, the Company formalized its June 2022 Letter of Intent by signing a definitive agreement with a second major North American utility for their procurement of up to 2.1 million pounds U
from Dasa within a multi-year delivery window beginning in 2025.
Long-lead items were selected and ordered.
Ramp development completed over 600 metres as of the end of July 2023. Excavation of mining level access had begun as part of the Phase 1 Mine Plan.
Additional mining equipment arrived in Niger at the project site.
Surface and underground mine infrastructure including mine dry, ventilation infrastructure, electrical and plumbing installations had commenced.
To prepare for civil engineering and the pouring of cement related to the Processing Plant, earthworks began in Q2 2023.
Q1 2023
The Company revised its Dasa Project, Phase 1, Feasibilty Study which:
confirmed a reserve for the Dasa Project of 4.1 million tonnes grading 5,267 ppm for a total of 47.2 million pounds U
outlines an initial, Phase 1, 12-year mine schedule at a production throughput of 1,000 tonnes per day to produce 44.1 million pounds U
estimates cash costs, including royalties and all Niger off-site costs, of US$19.02/lb U
and an all-in sustaining cost of US$22.13/lb U
estimates initial capital expenditures to be US$208 million.
Calculated for Phase 1 using a U
price of US$35/lb an after-tax NPV8 of US$147 million and an after-tax IRR of 22.3% and using a U
price of US$50/lb an after-tax IRR of 44.4% and at US$60 the after-tax IRR would be 56.9%.
The access ramp to the underground Dasa deposit had progressed 325 meters at the end of April 2023, about 40% complete before reaching the ore level.
Q4 2022
A LOI was signed with a second utility to the Company to supply them with yellowcake starting in 2025
Underground development of the Dasa Mine began with an Opening Blast Ceremony
The final drilling update of probe results highlighted additional excellent intercepts and initial assay results 10% higher the corresponding initial probe results
Q3 2022
Based on positive results of Dasa’s 15,000-meter drilling program that began in September 2021, the program was extended and a revised MRE is expected in Q1 2023 with a new mine plan for Phase 1 to follow
Incorporated SOMIDA (Société Minière de Dasa S.A.) Global Atomic’s mining subsidiary in Niger, under which Dasa will operate
Enernet Global commenced early engineering for a hybrid power plant for the Dasa Project
Completed Box-Cut excavation and advanced significant infrastructure to support underground mine development
Signed agreements with Development Consultants Private Limited of Kolkata, India, and Lycopodium Minerals Canada Ltd. to commence the basic and detailed engineering, procurement and Project Management of the Dasa Mine processing plant in the Republic of Niger
Q2 2022
Formed a banking syndicate comprised of North American financial institutions including Export Development Canada, to finance the Dasa Uranium Project
Entered into a Letter of Intent to supply a major North American utility with a total of 2.1 million pounds U
from 2025 to 2030
Q1 2022
Initiated Box-Cut excavation and construction of surface infrastructure
Q4 2021
Completed Feasibility Study, incorporating the Flank Zone, with an Initial Phase 1 mine development over 12 years producing 45.4 million pounds and an after-tax NPV8 of USD $157M & an IRR of 22.7% using a uranium price of USD $35/lb
Q3 2021
Global Atomic confirms 90% ownership of Dasa Project
Canadian firm CMAC-Thyssen engaged to collar the Portal and begin underground development in Q2 2022
Began 15,000-meter program of both in-fill and step-out drilling to:
Increase Phase 1 resources
Upgrade Phase 2 resources
Q2 2021
Engaged HCF International Advisers to assist in project debt financing
Q1 2021
Granted Environmental Compliance Certificate
Extended all 6 Exploration Permits in Niger until the end of 2023
Signed Fuel Link agreement to market Yellowcake
Pilot Plant results confirm Dasa uranium recovery process
Q4 2020
Granted Mining Permit by Government of Niger
Q3 2020
Commenced Pilot Plant in Canada
Completed Development and Operational Plan
Completed Hydrogeology Study
Submitted the Mining Permit Application
Commenced preliminary discussions towards project financing
Q2 2020
Filed new PEA, incorporating the Flank Zone, with an Initial Phase 1 mine development over 12 years producing 44 million pounds and an after-tax NPV
of USD $211M & an IRR of 26.6% using a uranium price of USD $35/lb
Completed Geotechnical Study
Shipped ore samples to Canada for testing
Announced Flank Zone results and a significant resource upgrade for Dasa
Invested over USD $50 million on Niger exploration since field work began in 2007
Discovered the high-grade Flank Zone
Published initial Preliminary Economic Assessment (“PEA”) to mine Dasa via Open Pit
Signed MOU with Orano Mining for Direct Shipping ore to nearby mills
Merged GAFC with Silvermet Inc., holder of BST Joint Venture, to become a wholly-owned subsidiary of publicly traded Silvermet
Became a Positive Cash Flow company
Changed name to Global Atomic Corporation
2011 & 2012
Raised significant funding through JP Morgan, Macquarie and Investec to explore and develop the Dasa discovery
Focused exploration efforts on Dasa leading to the delineation of a large, high-grade resource
Discovered the Dasa deposit on Adrar Emoles 3
Work on the Isakanan deposit on the Adrar Emoles 4 permit indicated potential suitability for In Situ leach recovery (ISR target)
Signed Mining Agreements on 4 permits known as Tin Negouran 1, 2, 3 & 4 and on two permits known as Adrar Emoles 3 & 4
Began exploration on the Tin Negouran permits and a surface deposit was delineated
Incorporated Global Uranium Corporation (“GUC) to explore & develop uranium deposits
Changed name to Global Atomic Fuels Corporation (“GAFC”)