A tier 1 deposit modelled at US$75/lb U3O8: Dasa Uranium
- Highest grade deposit ex-Athabasca, with a mine plan life-of-mine average grade 0.41% U3O8
- 80% owned by Global Atomic; 20% owned by the Republic of Niger
- A large deposit with global resources in excess of 283 Mlbs U3O8 using a 100 ppm cut-off grade
- Ore body remains open at depth and along strike, with significant exploration potential in the tenement area
- Phase 1 Mine plan to produce 68 Mlbs U3O8 at cash costs(1) (including royalties) of US$30.73/lb and AISC(2) of US$35.70/lb
(1) Cash cost per pound represents mining, processing, onsite and offsite general and administrative costs, selling expenses and royalties, divided by recovered U3O8
(2) All-in sustaining cost per pound of uranium represents mining, processing, site and offsite general and administrative costs, royalties and sustaining capital expenditures including rehabilitation provision, divided by recovered U3O8